Q: Can people under age 18 get married?
Ans: Wisconsin law states a person must be at least 18 years of age before entering into marriage, unless they have parental consent or are an emancipated adult.
Q: Can people of the same sex marry in Wisconsin?
A: Yes, in 2016, the US Supreme Court ruled that same-sex partners have the right to marry everywhere in the US.
Q: Can my spouse prevent me from divorcing him or her?
A: No.
Common Divorce FAQs
Q: How long do you have to live in Wisconsin to get a divorce?A: Wisconsin law provides that a divorce may be filed in a county where one of the spouses has lived for at least 30 days immediately prior to filing the action, provided that spouse has been a state resident for at least six months prior to filing.
Q: How much does it cost to get divorced?
A: That depends on several factors. If the husband and wife are in agreement on the critical factors to be addressed and resolved before the court, costs are much less than if they are in total disagreement. A collaborative divorce process avoids trial litigation, meaning it costs less than a heavily litigated divorce.
120-Day Minimum to Divorce
Q: How long does it take to obtain a divorce in the state of Wisconsin?A: It depends on whether there are settlement or custody issues to be addressed, but the minimum amount of time is four months. The law provides that 120 days must elapse before the first hearing. That 120-day period begins when the responding spouse is served – or on the day that a joint petition is filed.
No-Fault Divorce State
Q: Must my spouse or I tell the court why we want to divorce?
A: A couple must agree that the marriage is broken and cannot be fixed. Wisconsin is a no-fault divorce state, meaning neither party must prove a reason for the divorce to be granted. You'll need to agree that the marriage cannot be reconciled or that you have lived separately and that reconciliation is not possible.